Writing Tutorials

Sentence Structure 101
A journey of a thousand steps begins with... a single sentence.
We will examine with real time examples how to take first draft sentences which convey the content, into sentences that carry the reader to a place of vivid imagery.
30 minutes

Sentence Structure 102
Tortured sentences, fixed while you wait.
In this course we move from the simpler ideas of variations of sentence structure to explore some of the most tortured sentences I have ever written, how to apply the principles of sentence structure 101 to improve them, and arrive at the final published piece.
30 minutes

Paragraphs 101
When to break, and when to merge. Paragraphs 101.
Once we have interesting sentences, it is time to merge them into even more interesting paragraphs. How long should they be? How do we know when to stop? Are there rules?
Lets look into examples and guidelines of how to build paragraphs for easier reading.
60 minutes

Paragraphs 102
Paragraphs and conversation.
How to write dialogue, work it into paragraphs and work it into the larger story structure.
60 minutes

Show and Tell 101
It is often said to show not tell, but what does it mean practically for an author when pencil meets paper, and fingers meet keyboard?
We will explore examples, and tips to use for recognizing when you have made the mistake of showing, and corrections.
60 minutes

Show and Tell 102
Sometimes we show and we tell. When it is ok to tell, as well as more examples of how to show and not tell with more tips and tricks focusing on body language cues, and interactions with the world.
60 minutes