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Opportunity and Work

Updated: Oct 11, 2023

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” - Thomas Edison

Ten Thousand Failures Until...
Ten Thousand Failures Until...

What do you want? What are you doing to get it? Do your actions match your motivations and goals?

Are you working to achieve today what you want to have achieved tomorrow? Are you avoiding work because it hurts to do it? Each day, go find a pain point. Each day go push on that pain point, just a little. You want to run a mile? Go walk 100 feet. Then tomorrow walk 150. Then walk 200. When you reach 2000 then jog 50 feet.

Everybody Wants to Be a Bodybuilder, But Nobody Wants to Lift No Heavy-ass Weights - Ronnie Coleman
Everybody Wants to Be a Bodybuilder, But Nobody Wants to Lift No Heavy-ass Weights - Ronnie Coleman

You want to write a novel? It won’t write itself. Go write down some ideas. Write a few sentences you think are perfect. Write a paragraph a day. In a few weeks you have a chapter. In a few months you have several.

You want to have a better job? What skills do you not have? Are you reading books to learn them? Are you listening to podcasts about your field? Go learn a little something every day. Improve your odds.

Do you want your house to be less of a mess? Pick one thing each day that is out of place and find a place for it. Put it in its place. Do that for one room until that room is the way you want it. Then start on another room.

Is a relationship not working the way you want with a friend or loved one? Focus on the things you are thankful for in that relationship. Tell them about it. Tell you about it. Find real things you can improve on doing. Do one of those things each day. Maybe you do a few dishes. Maybe you pick up laundry. Maybe you text them one more time a day just to say hello. Assume the problem is you, and take responsibility to fix it.

Because we have a choice between two world views. In the first the world is out to get us, won’t let us achieve things, holds us back and says "No." The other view is maybe some of that is true, but most of it is me not working hard enough. I can’t control the first one, I can control the second. Do you want to live in a world where you have no control, and you are doomed from the outset, or do you want to live in a world where you have the ability to do something about your goals?

Get to work. Pursue your dream.

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